The Sacred Serpent

Authentic Spiritual Practice Embodied Through Sacred Art

Featured Collections

The Tantrik Ganesh Collection

In the Tantrik tradition, Ganesh is honored first - He is Vinayaka: the Remover of Obstacles. In that spirit, this image represents the triumph of creativity over the base obstacles of life - towards enlightenment.

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Altar Icon Collection

Altars are something that we create as a direct line to spirit and often as a symbol of the Macrocosm. Properly empowered objects are more than material symbols - they are alive!

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Shiva Trishul Mandala Collection

Multiply your bliss as you gaze upon Lord Shiva’s Trishul Mandala of cosmic power. Arrayed in 9 fold symmetry - a mystical geometric perfection representing 3x3x3.

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Why We Create What We Create...

Items of Interest & Hand-Crafted Merchandise

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"Thank you for your interest in The Sacred Serpent. Our apparel is designed provide yet another lens on life, and to point a finger to the myths and symbols you can embody. By exploring them with intent, you can experience the synchronicity our interconnected consciousness and see the mystery revealed. I remain truly humbled and grateful for connecting with you for this task."

Jon Osiris - Founder

About Us

The Sacred Serpent was created to promote, inspire and interact with other visionaries, practitioners and people who resonate with the personal quest of Truly Awakened Living.

About Our Tribe

"As it is with ALL things, you get out what you put into any experience, both literally and figuratively. May our work aide in your path of discovery and personal transformation." ~Respectfully,

Jon Osiris - Founder

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